We have started this year's Treasure Hunt, well, I have anyway. My little sister dupped me last night. She was supposed to be here by the time I got off work but couldn't make it, so I went on the first leg of our journey alone. First stop was K2 Scrapbook Studio in Sarasota. A little over an hours drive south of here and a cute little shop. The owners made it really fun. They were dressed up to play the part and were very helpful and friendly. Enjoyed the visit there!
These pictures were taken from my cell phone (not bad for a basic $30 a month cell phone from Wally World). I forgot my camera so the lady there (the one in the black) suggested I use my cell phone. Have never really used it for picture taking but I will again. This shot was taken outside, of course, but the wind was blowing pretty good so it's a bit blurry.
And here's me at the counter when we were trying to figure out if I could email these photos from my phone. Guess what??? It worked!!!
Day Two coming up. Supposedly Charmin is up and getting ready to come over here, about a 2 1/2 hour drive. Then we will embark on the rest of our journey. I'll share some more pictures tonight or tomorrow, depending on how tired we are tonight, lol!
Happy Trails!!!